Fire Department News

Keep the Wreath Red

The Rochelle Fire Department would like to remind Rochelle and surrounding community residents to be safe during the holidays. We are pleased to once again be participating in the “Keep the Wreath Red” program with the Illinois Fire Chiefs Association…

Examination for Firefighter/Paramedic

The City of Rochelle, Illinois is accepting applications for the establishment of a Full-Time Firefighter/Paramedic Eligibility List. Applicants must meet and pass all requirements established by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners including the following: Applicants must be a…

Fire Department Accepting Applications March 1-15

BOARD OF FIRE AND POLICE COMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF ROCHELLE, ILLINOIS EXAMINATION FOR FIREFIGHTER/PARAMEDIC The City of Rochelle, Illinois is accepting applications for the establishment of a Full-Time Firefighter/Paramedic Eligibility List. Applicants must meet and pass all requirements established…

Please Shovel Around Fire Hydrants

The Rochelle Fire Department and RMU Water Operators ask that you please shovel the snow piled on and around the fire hydrants in the parkways near your homes. Water Operators are cleaning around the hydrants that are located at the…