Rochelle’s City Council meets the second and fourth Monday of each month and as such, has a regularly scheduled meeting on Monday March 23rd at 6:30pm. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic our nation is facing, Governor Pritzker has amended Open Meetings Act restrictions to allow members of our City Council, along with those throughout the State, to attend meetings and vote remotely for the duration of the Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation.
During this period, we will ensure that our citizens continue to have access to our Council Meetings. Meetings are streamed live on Facebook at facebook.com/cityofrochelle. A facebook account is not required to watch the meetings. Anyone interested in participating in public commentary remotely should contact City Clerk Sue Messer at or 815-562-6161 to make arrangements.
The Council Meeting remains open to the public, although measures will be taken to limit seating to allow for social distancing. We appreciate the understanding and cooperation of our community as we navigate this unprecedented situation.