City Launches 2021 Citizens Academy

City Launches 2021 Citizens Academy

City Launches 2021 Citizens Academy

Would you like to learn about your local government? Would you like to know more about the services the City provides? Do you wonder where your tax dollars are spent? If you answered yes to any of these questions, the inaugural City of Rochelle Citizens Academy is for you. This program offers the opportunity to learn about the City, the services delivered that impact your quality of life and staff’s commitment to serving the community. This ten-week program includes session that focus on the following departments: Mayor, City Manager and City Clerk; Finance and Human Resources; Police and Fire; Community and Economic Development; Public Works and Engineering; Rochelle Municipal Utilities; and Airport, Golf Course and Tourism. Participants will go behind the scenes to learn how the City works through hands-on activities, facility tours and more.

The 2021 sessions will be held every Thursday, August 26 – October 28, from 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. at various City facilities. Applicants must be 18 or older and agree to attend at least eight of the ten session. The program is free, and sessions will include a complimentary meal. Applications are available at City Hall, on the City’s website at, and on our Facebook page. The deadline to submit your application is July 22, 2021. Class size is capped at 20 participants.

Our goal is to provide participants with a better understanding of how the City operates and the services we deliver. Who knows, it may spark some interest in how you can make a difference in our community too.

To register, complete the form below and submit to City Hall:

Registration Form