City Officials Bid Farewell to Legislators

City Officials Bid Farewell to Legislators

City Officials Bid Farewell to Legislators

ROCHELLE, IL…The Rochelle Area Chamber of Commerce & Business Development hosted a steak and eggs buffet breakfast to pay tribute to state and federal senators and representatives who have served Rochelle and to welcome the new officials on account of redistricting. The well-attended event was held at the Flight Deck Bar & Grill at the Chicagoland Skydiving Center at Rochelle Municipal Airport.

Chamber Executive Director and CEO Peggy Friday welcomed elected officials and guests from throughout the Greater Rochelle area. In attendance were representatives from the Chamber, City of Rochelle, City Council, Greater Rochelle Economic Development Corporation (GREDCO), Ogle County, the Village of Hillcrest, along with public and private businesses and organizations. “The impressive turnout is a reflection of the gratitude and support for our elected officials and the tremendous role they play in economic and infrastructure development”, said Friday. “We are fortunate to have such honorable men and women who tirelessly serve their constituencies”, she added.

The theme throughout the morning was a focus on the tremendous synergy created by Team Rochelle, a concept begun by Jason Anderson to bring about cohesiveness and cooperation among government and private business. Anderson is the City’s Economic Development Director and Executive Director of GREDCO.

The Chamber recognized four officials who will no longer represent the people of Rochelle. In attendance were Retired Senator Brad Burzynski, Senator Christine Johnson, and Representative Bob Pritchard. U.S. Representative Don Manzullo was unable to attend due to commitments in Washington, D.C. Each had an opportunity to speak to the gathering. On behalf of the Chamber, Mayor Chet Olson presented all with a cubed crystal paperweight etched with the Team Rochelle logo.

The breakfast was an occasion for the Chamber to welcome State Representative Tom Demmer and Senator Tim Bivins. Also unable to attend due to the fiscal cliff debate in Washington was U.S. Representative Adam Kinzinger. Demmer and Bivins were formally inducted into Team Rochelle with pins offered by Mayor Olson.

Jason Anderson also participated in the program. He thanked the business and government leaders in attendance for their dedication to the growth of the Rochelle Region. “The City of Rochelle has an outstanding partnership with our elected officials in Springfield and Washington, D.C. We can always count on our legislators to connect us to the right people and resources to get the job done and to do it in the most cost effective manner”, Anderson said.

“This was a bittersweet event as we said farewell to longtime friends of the Chamber and City of Rochelle”. We are very fortunate that our new state and federal officials are men and women of integrity who will continue to carry the success story of Rochelle to Springfield and Washington, D.C., said Friday.