City & RMU Taking Safety Measures

City & RMU Taking Safety Measures

City & RMU Taking Safety Measures

The City of Rochelle and Rochelle Municipal Utilities prioritize the health and safety of our residents and employees above all else. We also understand that our residents and businesses count on a high level of service and support from our team. All emergency services will continue as always from our Police, Fire, Emergency Medical, Electric and Water Departments. Our Mayor, City Council, City Manager and Staff are continually in communication with one another as we realize this is an unprecedented and fluid situation.

The City of Rochelle and Rochelle Municipal Utilities Offices are available only by appointment and by phone through April 1st at which time we will re-evaluate. We have implemented a variety of strategies including telework and shifting schedules to maintain social distance for our staff. To make an appointment with City Hall Staff, please call 562-6161 and to reach RMU Customer Service, call 562-4155.

In order to best assist our customers during these uncertain times, Rochelle Municipal Utilities will suspend disconnection of electric and water services through April 30th. While the office is closed, we urge customers to pay bills online or via direct debit. Checks or money orders may be mailed or delivered through the dropbox in the alley behind the Utility Office at 333 Lincoln Highway. No cash will be accepted currently. Balances will continue to be billed and accumulate and we ask that everyone who can continue to pay their bills do so since our expenses continue as services continue. Fee waivers for our commercial and industrial customers will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the City Manager.  Remember, assistance programs are available for low-income families and payment plans are also available. Call our office at 562-4155 for more details.

Additionally, please take note of the following:
• Please bag all garbage, except recycling, until further notice
• The Police Department will suspend fingerprinting, unless an individual is under arrest
• Resources for small businesses will be shared via our social media accounts as they come to our attention
• City-owned facilities such as the Golf Course Pro-Shop, Railroad Park Gift Shop, and the Rochelle Municipal Airport Hangar are now closed to the public.