Community Survey Coming Soon

Community Survey Coming Soon

Community Survey Coming Soon

We would like to hear from you!  The City of Rochelle is working closely with the Northern Illinois University Center for Governmental Studies to conduct our first-ever resident survey.  Every household in Rochelle is invited to participate.    

Beginning September 30, surveys will be e-mailed in both English and Spanish to Rochelle residents living within City limits.  Those who do not respond via e-mail will receive a mail or phone survey. 

The survey will help us understand how satisfied our residents are with City services, along with our Customer Service and Communication.  Results will help us improve services offered to local residents.  City Departments being evaluated through the survey include, Streets, Engineering, Police, Fire, Water, Electric, Community Development, Economic Development, Customer Service and Public Relations.

Your responses are confidential and will go directly to the NIU Center for Governmental Studies.  All information provided to the City of Rochelle will be in summary only.  No information will be reported to the City of Rochelle that will identify individual survey respondents.  The NIU Center for Governmental Studies will present the findings to City Council in early 2020.

Please complete your survey by November 5, 2019.  For questions, please call the NIU Center for Governmental Studies at 815-753-0039 and ask for Mindy Schneiderman, Assistant Director.