The City Clerk and staff can assist you in researching Council action, City Regulations, Laws and Policy. For consultations or extensive research, feel free to contact us.  The City Clerk serves as the FOIA Officer for the City of Rochelle.

The City Clerk’s Office is dedicated to meeting the requirements and deadlines prescribed by City, State and Federal law to ensure the proper function of government; to keep the official records of the City Council; to maintain up-to-date City Codes; to provide accurate information to citizens and to the City Administration; and to properly manage and execute the official records of the City to ensure the integrity of the Records for the citizens and the Courts; to administer the Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance & licensing; and to meet the statutory requirements of the City of Rochelle; all in the most cost effective and efficient manner.

Contact Us For:

Licenses, Permits & Certificates

pdf Application for Birth Certificate

In City Clerk Documents 6345 downloads

To obtain a copy of your birth certificate, please bring this form to the City Clerk's Office at City Hall - 420 North Sixth Street, Rochelle.

pdf Application for Death Certificate (per State Rules)

In City Clerk Documents 4677 downloads

To obtain a copy of a Death Certificate, bring the Application form to the City Clerk's Office at City Hall - 420 N. 6th Street, Rochelle.

pdf Liquor License Application Temporary

In City Clerk Documents 2063 downloads

The City Clerk receives all license applications and issues all licenses when directed to do so by the local liquor commissioner. The Mayor is the local liquor control commissioner and is charged with the administration of the appropriate provisions of the Illinois Liquor Control Act.

Liquor license renewals may be completed online:  Liquor License

All questions regarding liquor licenses may be directed to the City Clerk. 

pdf Liquor License Application for Corporate Club to Sell at Retail

In City Clerk Documents 1717 downloads

The City Clerk receives all license applications and issues all licenses when directed to do so by the local liquor commissioner. The Mayor is the local liquor control commissioner and is charged with the administration of the appropriate provisions of the Illinois Liquor Control Act.

Liquor license renewals may be completed online:  Liquor License

All questions regarding liquor licenses may be directed to the City Clerk. 

pdf Liquor License Application for Manager

In City Clerk Documents 2052 downloads

The City Clerk receives all license applications and issues all licenses when directed to do so by the local liquor commissioner. The Mayor is the local liquor control commissioner and is charged with the administration of the appropriate provisions of the Illinois Liquor Control Act.

Liquor license renewals may be completed online:  Liquor License

All questions regarding liquor licenses may be directed to the City Clerk. 

pdf Peddlers Application and Chapter 70 of the Municipal Code

In City Clerk Documents 5186 downloads

To obtain a Solicitor, Canvasser, or Peddler license, fill out the form and bring to the City Clerk's Office at 420 North Sixth Street in Rochelle.

pdf Raffle License Application

In City Clerk Documents 4612 downloads

To obtain a Raffle Permit, bring the completed application to the City Clerk's Office at City Hall located at 420 North 6th Street in Rochelle.

pdf Taxicab License Application

In City Clerk Documents 4949 downloads

To obtain a Taxi License submit the completed Application to the City Clerk's Office at City Hall - 420 N. 6th Street in Rochelle.

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