Who should I call? | Department/Organization | Phone Number |
Accounting/Billing | Administrative Services | 815-562-6161 |
Airport | Airport Manager | 815-562-8619 |
Ambulance Billing | NI Ambulance Billing | 866-570-2468 |
Animal Control | Ogle County Animal Control | 815-732-1185 |
Annual Financial Reports | Finance Manager | 815-562-6161 |
Bid Packets/ Bid Openings | City Clerk | 815-562-6161 |
Birth Certificates | City Clerk | 815-562-6161 |
Brush Pickup | Street Department | 815-562-2494 |
Budget | Finance Manager | 815-562-6161 |
Building Code Enforcement | Building Department | 815-562-8717 |
Building Inspections | Building Inspector | 815-562-8717 |
Burning | Rochelle Fire Department | 815-562-2121 |
Cemetery | Lawnridge Cemetery | 815-562-6329 |
Chamber of Commerce | Tricia Herrera | 815-562-4189 |
Concerns/Questions | City Hall | 815-562-6161 |
Court Dates | Ogle County Court House | 815-732-1135 |
Curbs, gutters, sidewalks | Buildling Department | 815-562-8717 |
Death Certificates | City Clerk | 815-562-6161 |
Economic Development | City Hall | 815-562-6161 |
Electrical Inspections | Building Inspector | 815-562-8717 |
Emergency Mgmt. Services | Terry Inman, EM Coordinator | 815-562-2131 |
Employment Opportunities | City Hall | 815-562-6161 |
Food & Beverage Tax | City Clerk | 815-562-6161 |
Garbage Collection | Northern Illinois Disposal | 800-930-7321 |
Food Pantry | Pantry Volunteers | 815-562-6654 |
Grass and Weeds | Property Maintenance Inspector | 815-562-8717 |
Handicap Ramps | Engineering Department | 815-562-8717 |
Hazardous Materials | Fire Department | 815-562-2121 |
Health Department | Ogle County Health Department | 815-562-6976 |
Hotel and Motel Tax | City Clerk | 815-562-6161 |
Inspections | Building Inspector | 815-562-8717 |
Landscape Waste | Northern Illinois Disposal | 800-930-7321 |
Landfill | Water Superintendent | 815-562-4155 |
Library | Flagg Rochelle Library | 815-562-3431 |
Lincoln Highway Heritage Festival | City Hall | 815-562-6161 |
Liquor Licenses | City Clerk | 815-562-6161 |
Litter & Garbage Concerns | Property Maintenance Inspector | 815-562-8717 |
Marriage Licenses | Ogle County Clerk | 815-732-1130 |
Mosquitos | Street Department | 815-562-2494 |
Motor Fuel Tax | City Clerk | 815-562-6161 |
Mulch | Street Department | 815-562-2494 |
Noise Violations | Police Department | 815-562-2131 |
Northern Illinois Disposal | Community Development | 800-930-7321 |
Overweight Trucks | Community Development | 815-562-8717 |
Park Maintenance | Rochelle Park District | 815-562-7813 |
Parking Tickets | Police Department | 815-562-2131 |
Post Office | Postmaster | 815-562-4634 |
Property Tax Bills & Assessments | Flagg Township Assessor | 815-562-6862 |
Railfan Park | Gift Shop | 815-562-7031 |
Recycling Containers | City Hall | 815-562-6161 |
Recycling Information | City Hall | 815-562-6161 |
Rent Assistance | Flagg Township | 815-562-7360 |
Refuse Collection | Northern Illinois Disposal | 800-930-7321 |
Rochelle Municipal Utilities | Customer Service | 815-562-4155 |
Senior Center | Hub City Senior Center | 815-562-5050 |
Sidewalks | Engineering Department | 815-562-8717 |
Signs and Signals | Street Department | 815-562-2494 |
Snow Removal | Street Department | 815-562-2494 |
Storm Sewer Backups | Rochelle Municipal Utilities | 815-562-4155 |
Solicitor Permits | City Clerk | 815-562-6161 |
Street Light Maintenance | Rochelle Municipal Utilities | 815-562-4155 |
Street Maintenance | Street Department | 815-562-2494 |
Subdivision Regulations | Community Development | 815-562-8717 |
Trash Collection | Northern Illinois Disposal | 800-930-7321 |
Tree Trimming – City Owned | Street Department | 815-562-2494 |
Utilities | Rochelle Municipal Utilities | 815-562-4155 |
Utility Assistance | Flagg Township | 815-562-7360 |
Voter Registration/Voting Info | City Clerk | 815-562-6161 |
Water Service | Rochelle Municipal Utilities | 815-562-4155 |
Weeds and Tall Grass | Property Maintenance Inspector | 815-562-8717 |
Zoning | Community Development | 815-562-8717 |
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