The Property Maintenance Division of the Police Department is responsible for the enforcement of the City’s Property Maintenance Code by the City’s Community Service Officers.

The purpose of the code is to ensure that residential, commercial, and industrial property is maintained in good condition to ensure the safety of the public, and to protect the character of Rochelle’s neighborhoods, industrial parks, and commercial areas. The City’s municipal inspectors investigate complaints to determine if a violation is present and then work with the property owners and businesses to correct the issue.

The City seeks to address code enforcement issues first and foremost through voluntary compliance. Most complaints are fully addressed without fines or an appearance at an administrative adjudication hearing. A Notice of Code Violation is sent through the mail or left on a door hanger at the property. The notice will describe the violation and provide a time for the property owner to resolve the issue. If the issue is not resolved by the time of reinspection, the City will issue a formal citation. The formal citation may be an Administrative Citation (a ticket that includes a fine) or an Administrative Hearing Citation (a citation that is accompanied by a summons to appear at an administrative adjudication hearing).