• May I Bring Up An Item Of Concern To The Council At A Meeting?

    The City Council has provided a permanent time at the beginning of the Agenda for citizens to address the Council called Public Commentary. Public Commentary is held before Business Items. Before the meeting, anyone who wishes to discuss any item including those on the agenda, must present in writing to the City Clerk: their name, address and the subject matter on which they wish to speak. During Public Commentary, the Mayor will ask those people on the list to address the City Council. Each person will have a maximum of five minutes to speak. A person can only address the Council one time during the Public Commentary. There will be no pubilc commentary during the Business Items, except during a Public Hearing.

    Download the Public Commentary Form.

  • How Do I Communicate With The Council If I’m Hearing Impaired Or Physically Challenged?

    Phone 815-562-6161 by Friday prior to the Council meeting. Rochelle City Hall has an automatic door, a ramp entrance off the side parking lot and is equipped with an elevator that meets ADA requirements.

  • I Know The City Council Adopted An Ordinance, Agreement, Or Resolution. How Do I Find It?

    Contact the City Clerk’s Office. We keep records beginning in 1853 and we can search by subject, date or by document.

  • How Can I Obtain The City Council Agenda And Minutes?

    Upon request, the Agenda can be obtained in any of the following ways: By calling the City Clerk’s office 562-6161 the Agenda can be: Faxed to you Mailed (at no charge to you) By Internet: www.cityofrochelle.net Click on City Clerk Click on Agenda/Minutes or Picked up in the City Clerk’s office. You may receive the Minutes by mail for $30/year, by sending a request for same with your name and address; or you can access the Minutes for free by Internet.

  • How Do I Reach My Council Representative?

    The Mayor and Council Members are voted at-large, meaning all Council Members represent the entire town.

    Click here to find Council Member phone numbers and e-mail addresses.

  • When And Where Are City Council Meetings Held?

    The City Council meets for formal business sessions on the second and fourth Mondays of the month beginning at 6:30 P.M. These meetings are open to the public. From time to time the Council will meet in a Special Council Meeting or a Committee of the Whole. Notice will be given to the media for publication of those meetings. Meetings are held in Council Chambers on the 1st floor of City Hall. The meetings are open to the public and are broadcast live on Facebook and YouTube.