Downtown Snow Removal: 2/13

Downtown Snow Removal: 2/13

Downtown Snow Removal: 2/13

The City of Rochelle Street Division has announced that snow removal operations will be taking place in the downtown area on Tuesday morning 2/13/18 beginning at 12:00 A.M.

Crews will be removing snow from the downtown area curbs, sidewalks and municipal parking lots. Snow that is removed will be pushed into piles at the nearest intersection. The piled snow will then be loaded into dump trucks and hauled offsite to a designated stockpiling location.

During this time there is no parking allowed on the downtown streets and Municipal parking lots after 12:00 A.M. Parking is allowed in the south sections of Lots 3 and 8. Vehicles may return to street and municipal lot parking after snow removal operations have been completed.

Motorists are advised to use an alternate route and avoid the area if possible. If this not an option please use caution while traveling in this area and pay special attention to snow removal equipment and temporary traffic control devices within or in advance of the work zone.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience!