Downtown Snow Removal: January 24

Downtown Snow Removal: January 24

Downtown Snow Removal: January 24

The City of Rochelle Street Department will conduct snow removal in the Downtown area beginning at 1:00AM on Thursday January 24.

During this time, parking will only be allowed in the following lots:

Lot #3 South Section only at 6th St. & 4th Ave.

Lot #8 South Section located at Main St. & 4th Ave.

Overnight parking will be allowed only in these 2 locations the night of scheduled snow removal until 8:00 a.m. the following morning.  Any vehicles parked outside of these areas on Business District Streets and Municipal Parking Lots will be towed and ticketed at owner’s expense per City Code.  Vehicles allowed to park in the above referenced lots must be moved by 8:00 a.m. the following morning for cleaning of Lot #3 and #8 south sections. 

We appreciate your patience and cooperation!