N. Main St and 9th Ave intersection closure beginning June 27th

N. Main St and 9th Ave intersection closure beginning June 27th

City Engineer, Sam Tesreau, has announced that the intersection of N. Main Street and 9th Ave will be closed to through traffic beginning Monday June 27th at 7 am.

The work is necessary to repair a failing storm tile by Rochelle Street Department crews. Motorists are advised to use an alternate route and avoid the area if possible.
All traffic will need to use other available routes.

Work is expected to be substantially complete by June 28th at 4pm and is subject to weather. Advance warning, detour and other temporary traffic control devices will be posted near the affected area. Please use caution while traveling in this area and pay special attention to the advanced warning signage, road closed signage and other temporary traffic control devices within or in advance of the work zone. We appreciate your patience during this project.