New Crosswalk Enhancement at Route 38 & Springdale Drive

New Crosswalk Enhancement at Route 38 & Springdale Drive

New Crosswalk Enhancement at Route 38 & Springdale Drive

Rochelle, IL – In response to several citizen requests, a new solar powered blinker sign has been installed in the intersection of Route 38 and Springdale Drive. Motorists now must stop for any pedestrian in or approaching the crosswalk. In addition to the already-installed flashing light, drivers will notice a supplemental sign that indicates the requirement to stop when a pedestrian is present. The City of Rochelle Street Department has also installed advanced warning signage and additional pavement markings to increase visibility of the crosswalk.

“We are pleased to see the new signage extending right-of-way to pedestrians in the intersection,” said Police Chief Eric Higby. The intersection accommodates a fair amount pedestrian traffic from the subdivision North of Route 38 to the May Mart Shopping Center.

According to Street Superintendent Don Elliott, “The upgraded signage is an excellent improvement until the time that an IDOT traffic study would indicate the need for a signalized intersection.”