Rail Repairs Resulting in Upcoming Crossing Closures

Rail Repairs Resulting in Upcoming Crossing Closures

The City of Rochelle has been notified that the Union Pacific Railroad and their contractor Advanced Workzone will be performing rail and tie upgrades at crossings in Rochelle, resulting in closures beginning Friday November 7th at 7am. Each crossing will be closed for two days, with two crossings closed at a time.

The crossings will be closed in the following order:

-First Avenue and 9th Street Crossings
-Washington Street and Main Street Crossings
-Caron Road and Mulford Crossings

Residents and motorist are reminded to pay special attention to the advance warning signage, posted detour routes, road closed barricades and other temporary traffic control devices within the work zone.

For questions or concerns, please contact Rick Taylor with Advance Workzone for Union Pacific Railroad at 918-781-2792.