The City of Rochelle Joins State Officials in Proclaiming December Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month

The City of Rochelle Joins State Officials in Proclaiming December Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month

Rochelle, Illinois – Impaired driving is one of America’s deadliest crimes. For the last several years in the United States, approximately 11,000 people die each year in highway crashes involving an alcohol-impaired driver – slightly above 30 percent of all motor vehicle crash fatalities. In Illinois in 2011, 918 people lost their lives in motor vehicle crashes and hundreds of those deaths involved an alcohol and/or drug-impaired driver.

That is why Rochelle Mayor, Chet Olson announced today they will be joining Governor Pat Quinn and hundreds of other communities throughout Illinois in proclaiming December as Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month.

“The City of Rochelle is committed to preventing death and injury by stopping impaired driving,” said Mayor Olson.

“Everyone has a responsibility to drive sober and a right to drive on roadways free of impaired drivers,” Mayor Olson continued. “We all play a vital role in preventing impaired driving and we can all help by sending a strong message to family and friends that impaired driving is not acceptable.”