Ogle County Sheriff’s Office
News Release
4/12/15 10 a.m.
For Immediate Release
Contact: Ogle County Sheriff’s Department at 815-562-1001
Access Points:
Effective immediately, Sunday April 12, South Skare Court will be closed to general traffic and open only for debris removal vehicles. Volunteers are still needed and welcomed, but asked to park along Skare Road.
Volunteers are still needed! Please check in with the Operation Blessing Mobile Command Center located at the corner of Jones Road & 9th Street, the Helms Field parking lot. Check –in is at 9:00 a.m. with orientation and assignment at 9:30 a.m. Volunteers must be 18 years of age and dress to work with sturdy shoes, safety glasses, long pants and gloves. The volunteers must also provide their own transportation to and from the work sites. Volunteer opportunities will be posted daily on the Ogle County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page.
Personal Property:
Anyone locating personal items (i.e. photos, valuables, keepsakes) found from affected area storm damages are asked to bring the items to the Ogle/Lee Fire Protection District Fire Station located at 5288 South Center Road, Flagg Center.
Affected Residents:
Affected residents who require assistance may contact any of the following resources:
• Samaritan’s Purse International Relief: (815) 564-8404
o Samaritan’s Purse is an international Christian relief organization.
o Receiving request for emergency assistance.
o This is a FREE service.
o First come, first serve basis
• Salvation Army: located at United Methodist Church located at 709 4th Street Rochelle offering vouches for lodging, dining, and groceries for storm victims. Also available, clothing and food. Please bring identification.
Saturday (4/11/15) 9a.m. -12 p.m.
Sunday (4/12/15) 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Monday – Thursday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
• American Red Cross:
o Located at the Rochelle Township High School located at Door 15
o Available 24 hours (877) 597-0747
o Affected residents are urged to register with the American Red Cross. This registration is important for access to potential future resources.
• Operation Blessing: Residents to call in volunteers needs at (757) 226-3858
• Sinnissippi Centers (24 hours & Crisis): 1-800-242-7642
• Warehouse 105 South Main: Affected Residents may go to this location for donated supplies/goods.
• Rochelle Elementary District 231 and Lincoln School Cookout on Thursday, April 16th from 5p.m. -7p.m. at Lincoln 1450 N. 2nd Street Rochelle
o Invites affected residents and EMS personnel to a free cookout
• All contractors must visit the Illinois Attorney General’s Representative at the EMAT (Emergency Management Assistance Team) Trailer located in the West end of the Rochelle Township High School parking lot. Contractors should enter the parking lot via North 20th Street at Flagg Road.
Please do Not Send Donations of clothing, food, water, etc. Officials are requesting that the general public refrain from those donations as we do not need these items. We prefer that donations:
Donations of gift cards may be delivered to the Rochelle Fire Department, located at 401 5th Avenue in Rochelle.
Monetary donations may be made through the Rochelle Area Community Foundation at rochellefoundation.org or via postal mail at PO Box 74, Rochelle, IL 61068.
Burn Ban:
The burn ban remains in effect through Wednesday April 15th for the entire Rochelle Fire and Ogle-Lee Fire Protection District and the Lynn Scott Rock Fire Protection District.
Skare Park Closed:
Skare Park is closed until further notice.
Debris Management:
• Debris needs to be sorted
• Residents in affected area may place trees and landscape debris in ditches outside of city limits
• Construction debris and demolition debris includes any dimensional lumber, plywood, scrap metals, shingles, siding, etc: Must be separated from landscape waste. Home owners are requested to work through insurance carriers
• Restricted items not accepted: Appliances, TV, Electronics, and Hazardous Materials
o Appliances, electronic waste and household hazards are banned from landfills and must be recycled or managed separately from waste going to the landfill.
o A recycling event for electronics is scheduled for April 18, 2015, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Lincoln Elementary School parking lot in Rochelle
• Scrap metals may be taken to local recycling facilities. The responsibility of handling these materials is up to individual property owners.
• Regular household waste collection by area waste haulers will continue as usual
• If debris is not sorted, it will not be collected
• Behr Iron & Metal in Rochelle is open to collect recyclable scrap metal and appliances until 1pm on Saturday 4/11 and from 9-Noon on Sunday 4/12.
• Contractors with existing accounts with Northern Illinois Disposal may utilize the Rochelle Landfill from 1-6pm on Saturday 4/11 and 7am-3pm on Sunday 4/12.s
• For more information contact the Ogle County Solid Waste Department at (815) 732-4020 or visit www.oglecounty.org