Wiscold Drive Improvement Project Celebration

Wiscold Drive Improvement Project Celebration

The City of Rochelle is pleased to announce completion of the Wiscold Drive Improvement Project.

In association with the expansion of Sara Lee Corporation in 2009, the City of Rochelle applied for Economic Development Program (EDP) grant funds through the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) to assist with roadway improvements along Wiscold Drive. The City subsequently received an award letter from IDOT committing EDP funding of up to 50% of the Wiscold Drive improvements and associated expenses in an amount not to exceed $1,123,860.

“Over 30 years ago the City of Rochelle developed and built a two lane roadway to serve as access to the Wiscold Cold Storage warehouse. Since that time there have been multiple industrial developments along this route and the increase in truck traffic has surpassed the original design parameters of the roadway. With the expansion and job creation at Sara Lee, now Hillshire Brands, the City was able to apply for Illinois Department of Transportation EDP/TARP funds to help offset the cost to upgrade and widen this transportation corridor. This improved roadway places the City in a position to expand the roadway network in the future, north along Dement Road, as more development occurs south of Creston Road,” commented City Engineer Sam Tesreau.

“This project is the cornerstone of future development of Rochelle’s industrial park,” said Economic Development Director Jason Anderson. “A project of this nature can only spur more development and prepare the City of Rochelle for the next wave of industrial growth.”