Yard Waste Recycling & Brush Pickup Begin March 20

Yard Waste Recycling & Brush Pickup Begin March 20

Northern Illinois Disposal will resume weekly Yard Waste Recycling with pick-ups beginning March 20th. Yard waste is collected on your regular garbage day.

All yard waste such as grass, leaves, flowers, plants, and sticks are recyclable through the yard waste recycling program every week, beginning March 20 and continuing through December 15. All stick bundles must be tied together with string and cut in lengths of five feet or less with individual limbs not to exceed four inches in diameter. Larger limbs should be placed out for brush pickup. Yard waste may be placed in kraft paper bags or a standard garbage container with handles, although not a recycling container, at a maximum size of 32 gallons and weighing less than 50 pounds. Plastic bags are not permitted for yard waste recycling. Place your yard waste at the curb by 5:00 AM on the morning of pickup.

Large piles of brush that are too large for yard waste recycling, will be picked up once a month, beginning March 20th, by the City of Rochelle Street Division. The City’s brush program is intended for the disposal of limbs and branches removed by the property owner. Brush collected by a contractor must be properly disposed of by that contractor. The City will not accept brush collected by contractors. Brush should be placed curbside in piles not exceeding 8 feet in length. Limbs larger than 6 to 8 inches in diameter should be in a separate pile cut for crews to safely handle. Brush should be placed at the curb by 7:00 a.m. for pickup on the third Monday of the month beginning March 16 and running March through November. Brush may be chipped or tractor loaded and wood chips are available free of charge to all Rochelle residents. Call the City of Rochelle Street Division at 562-2494 with questions or if you would like wood chips.